Getting Google Client ID

A Google Client ID is required for the following buttons:

  • YouTube Subscribe

If you want to use this button, you need to get Google Client ID App for your website. You don't need to get a Client ID if you're not going to use this button.

2. Click the button "Create Project", enter your website name as a new project name.

3. Wait until your new project is created. After that you will be automatically redirected to your project dashboard.

4. Click "Enable and manage APIs":

5. Find and enable the following APIs:

  • Google+ API
  • YouTube APIs

To enable these APIs, click on a title of the required API in the list and then click the button "Enable API".

6. In the sidebar on the left, select "Credentials" and create new credentials "OAuth client ID"

7. Google may ask you to set a product name before creating OAuth client ID, at this case follow the Google instruction and then return back:

8. Fill up the form:

Field How To Fill
Application Type

Web Application

Authorized Javascript origins

Add the origins (with 'www' and without 'www'):

Authorized redirect URIs

Paste your website URL:

9. After clicking on the button Create, you will see your new Client ID:

12. Put your new Google Client ID in settings of your locker.

OnePress (c) 2016. Learn more about Social Locker for jQuery.